A New Crypto Wallet Enables Players To Get Fiat Money For Their Hero’s Armor

The decentralized gaming industry has already gained some traction and show early promises. However, the growth has started to stagnate, as the early adopter’s bubble has not burst yet. Some of the reasons why the larger gaming community has not entered yet is hiding in the existing infrastructure and the imperfect user experience.
To make decentralized gaming mainstream, the blockchain-powered gaming and gambling platform DGaming, is developing the whole spectrum of the tools needed for that to happen. First, it was the Store, where gamers can easily discover a plethora of decentralized games and developers can get better traction to their brainchildren. Then DGaming Hub, a decentralized gaming hub in the Cosmos network (highly scalable ecosystem of connected blockchains), came around to connect standalone gaming blockchains to the economical ecosystem.
Now the platform launches also own wallet which will allow users that play different games to be able to trade with each other.
Swapping in-game assets through a simple mobile app
To make the management of in-game assets and cryptocurrencies more convenient to the regular gamer the company has developed a simple mobile app with a slick user interface. It allows users to send, receive and store standard ERC-20 tokens (Ethereum-based fungible tokens) and the non-fungible or unique tokens ERC-721. The ERC-721 tokens allow identification and tracking on a unique in-game asset, like for example special items like swords, shields, armors and many more. The users can also transfer and store Ethereum (ETH) and are promised that support of other cryptocurrencies will follow.
To go mainstream the company has developed both Android and iOS apps. Google OS users can also take advantage of the fact that the Android app has an in-build DApp browser. According to the Marina Shim, Chief Business Development Officer of DGaming, “it’s unprecedented that a decentralized gaming-related solution is being published”.
Decentralizing the gaming industry
In the last couple of years, blockchain is becoming the underlying technology that is disrupting many sectors, by tackling issues like securing identity, transparency, fairness and many more. In a way, this could be the next Fintech to the conventional banking system. The decentralized gaming could revolutionize the gamers’ virtual life, by giving them the option to have an easier, fairer and faster way to exchange their in-game assets, move them from one virtual world to another and to liquidate them in the real world.
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