Books For Entrepreneurial Spirits 2: Finding Vocation, The New Order Of The AI-Driven World, Strenght In Times Of Uncertianty

Since we see so many book covers and recommendations posted on social media, we guess we have time for reading and listening to audiobooks. So we thought it could be a good time to put suggestions from the ecosystem and collect a list of reads and audiobooks that would help the whole community grow and develop further. Each week we’ll be publishing three suggestions. Here are the selections for this week:
AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order
by Kai-Fu Lee
What is it about: One of the key people in Google China is predicting the disruptive shifts that will define the AI-powered future
The most important takeaway: A great dissection of China and how it gears up to conquer the future
Who is it for: Everyone trying to scope the world we will live in
Recommendation by Galia Jordanova, CEO of data-science startup GAIDA.AI
The Da Vinci Curse: Life Design for People with Too Many Interests and Talents
by Leo Lospennato
What is it about: The so-called Da Vinci people have many interests, talents and hobbies. They may have thrived in Renaissance, but in today’s complex knowledge society having too many interests could be a curse and keep one away from finding their vocation.
The most important takeaway: It all begins with realizing one’s fear of competition.
Who is it for: People who are still searching for their vocation. People who have bursts of enthusiasm that soon fade away. People with contradicting interests struggling to make time to pursue them all.
Recommendation by Irina Obushtarova, MD Trending Topics Bulgaria
Not available in digital form 🙁
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
What is it about: How to become the opposite of fragile and not be hurt by the certainty of life’s uncertain events.
The most important takeaway: Learn to gain from uncertainty, from the author of “Black Swan”.
Who is it for: Absolutely everyone
Recommended by Vlad Popov, Co-Founder of UNDONESTORE.COM
What else to read?