Bulgarian Enterprises Are Among The Slowest Adopters Of Social Media In EU

According to Eurostat data, in 2019, 50% of enterprises in the European Union (EU) are using at least one type of social media, which shows a growth of 16 percentage points since 2014. For the purposes of the research, social media includes social networks, blogs or microblogs, multimedia content sharing websites, wiki-based knowledge-sharing tools.
The highest use of social media among businesses employing more than 10 people is reported in Malta (84% of respondents) and Denmark (75%), while the lowest can be observed in Romania (33%). Bulgaria is following closely on the lower side of the spectrum with just 34% of the enterprises in the country using some kind of social media.
Bulgarian enterprises also record the lowest increase in social media usage, at a growth of 6 percentage points in the past five years. Diving deeper into the data for our country, in particular, we can see that the bigger the company, the more likely it is to use social media. For instance, 52.4% of enterprises in Bulgaria employing 250 or more people use social media but it’s only 31.8% from the ones which have between 10 and 49 employees.