Three Events Aim to Bring the Bulgarian Ecosystem and the US Diaspora Closer

As the Bulgarian startup ecosystem grows and matures the connection to the well-established ecosystem, larger VCs and attractive market in the USA is getting more and more important. RE:TURN, a joint initiative of four Bulgarian organizations, aims to facilitate this connection. Therefore, it’s starting a roadshow throughout 2019 to give more visibility to the latest developments in Bulgaria and engage entrepreneurs and investors from the diaspora and overseas.
“We are joining forces to create something meaningful in three directions: investments, giving back and building a career in Bulgaria”, Evgeni Angelov of Bulgarian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), stated.
RE:TURN is a project of the Bulgarian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF), Solutions for the Future Foundation, and the Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center (BEC). Trending Topics, as a media partner, will collect the stories of entrepreneurs who participate in the roadshow.
What, when, where
Throughout 2019 RE:TURN will organize series of events on the West and East Coasts and in Chicago. The first three meetups will be between March 4 and 6, in San Fransisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle.
The events are an opportunity for VCs to find interesting investment opportunities, for founders to find mentors or new expansion horizons, for students to explore career paths, and not least for everyone, to find like-minded people and learn how to engage with the socio-economic processes in Bulgaria.
RE:TURN is the first institutionalized in a way initiative that aims to attract capital and mentors for Bulgarian businesses and social initiatives from overseas. Prior to that BVCA went on tour and met the Bulgarian diaspora in five European cities. The second goal is to highlight Bulgaria as an attractive location for starting a business or career, in other words – to bring back talent to the country.
New Faces
RE:TURN presents an opportunity to meet and networks with interesting new industry players from the US and Bulgaria. Here’s the list of the panelists who have confirmed their attendance:
San Francisco, March 4:
Bogomil Balkansky, Honory Consul of Bulgaria in Silicon Valley & Former President at Google
Dafina Toncheva, Partner at US Venture Partners
Elina Halatcheva, Partner at BrightCap Ventures
Momchil Kyurkchiev, CEO of Leanplum
Vassil Terziev, Co-founder of Telerik Academy & Partner at Eleven Ventures
Stanislav Sirakov, Partner at Launchub Ventures
Los Angeles, March 6:
Antony Christov, Former Creative Director at Pixar
Larry Biehl, Investment Manager and Initiator of Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Center (BEC)
Viktor Penev, CEO of Edamam
Vassil Terziev, Co-founder of Telerik Academy & Partner at Eleven Ventures
Zlatolina Mukova, Partner at NEVEQ Capital Partners
Seattle, March 7:
Genoveva Christov, Managing Director of Ligna Group
Ivailo Gospodinov, Partner at Black Peak Capital
Vassil Terziev, Co-founder of Telerik Academy & Partner at Eleven Ventures
Ivailo Penchev, CEO of Walltopia
Maria Karaivanova, Principal at Madrona Venture Group
Kalin Radev, CEO of Software Group