Further declines in the crypto market – upswing at Binance Coin

The past few days have been very bitter for the crypto market. There were crashes in all major digital currencies, and over the past week there was a double-digit price drop for some coins. On Thursday afternoon, the situation finally looks better again, at least for Binance Coin. Bitcoin has at least recorded a minus of two percent in the past 24 hours. The price is still below 28,000 euros, the capitalization at 512 billion euros. Binance Coin, on the other hand, has achieved a plus of around two percent and is now at a price of around 260 euros. The capitalization here is over 40 billion euros.
There is still no reason to breathe a sigh of relief with Ethereum. Here, too, there is a minus of around three percent in the past 24 hours. The price here is still below 1,700 euros, the capitalization below 200 billion euros. Polkadot is also in poor shape. This showed a drop of four percent to around eleven euros. The market capitalization is just over ten billion euros. The capitalization of the entire crypto market is 1.1 trillion euros, which is lower than on Wednesday (1.124 trillion euros).

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