OPEN CALL: Educational program for a new generation of AI programmers in Croatia

The Lipik Center for Artificial Intelligence in Croatia has now opened up for the second generation of AI programmers as the first part of the program is towards its end. The application deadline is August 31st, 2021, and the form can be filled out and submitted here. The entrance exam will be held in September.
Looking back on the number of first-generation applicants, even bigger interest is expected now.
“Applications for the first generation of the program exceeded all expectations, as many as 238 people applied for 20 vacancies. In the end, we enrolled the 22 best candidates who through the program adopted the most sought-after knowledge and skills of today – the skills needed to develop artificial intelligence. We hereby invite all those interested to apply and become the most sought-after goods on the market”, points out Dejan Iličić, head of the AI Center Lipik.
The center offers a six-month course with theory and practice, under the guidance of Hrvoje Kukina, an expert on AI and a PhD candidate at the Technical University of Vienna.

“The program lasted only few months, and the results of the first generation are already impressive, so we are really proud of these young people who have invested a lot of time and effort. We do not expect anything less from the next generation, on the contrary, we hope for even more applications and more competition. As last year, participants will have to pass exams in the fields of mathematics, programming and artificial intelligence. In addition to the knowledge test, future participants are required to pass the most popular knowledge course – Elements of AI,” says Kukina.

The program enables of unemployed group of people to be educated for a period of six months, during which they will be staying in Lipik. Throughout the duration of the program, participants will go through over 1000 hours of theoretical and practical classes, while at the same time working on a personal project with the help of professors from various ralms. Everyone will be provided with an allowance the size of the minimum Croatian salary and travel expenses by the Croatian Employment Service (CES).
“Everything related to the program from the lecturers, education and the place itself thrilled me, and I will certainly remember this application as one of the best life decisions. I invite all those interested to apply because they will certainly not regret it, and this experience will change their lives,” said Stefani Majić, participant in the program.