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Podcast: Women and the challenges to start a Startup

Startup Interviewer: Gib uns dein erstes AI Interview Startup Interviewer: Gib uns dein erstes AI Interview

Asetila Köstinger is a mentor for female entrepreneurs, an entrepreneur herself and an expert for sustainable innovation. She explains why we need more initiatives that encourage female founders and how men can become allies in the fight for gender equality. Furthermore, Asetila talks about her personal approach towards a sustainable future and what each and everyone can do to safe the planet. In our interview Asetila talks about:

  • Why women are underrepresented in the startup world
  • What women should know about startups and entrepreneurship
  • How women can be successful with their startup
  • How men can become allies
  • Why sustainability plays an important role in the startup ecosystem
  • How she teaches sustainable practices to KMUs

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Über „Zebras & Unicorns“

Zebras – das sind die neuen Helden der Nachhaltigkeit, und Unicorns – das sind die neuen Stars des Digital Business. Deswegen haben wir unseren neuen Podcast „Zebras & Unicorns“ getauft, in dem es zweimal wöchentlich um ein großes Zukunftsthema aus den Bereichen Sustainability, Digitalisierung, Technologie, Startups und Klimaschutz geht.

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