Trending Topics Has Been In The Region For Several Months. How Did We Do So Far? [187-Seconds Fun Questionnaire]

Do you know what’s the most common mistake media do? They let editors predict what their audience is interested in. We caught ourselves doing it, too. And doing a whole bunch of other assumptions. That was not the idea exactly.
Trending Topics Bulgaria was started with a clear intention to give visibility to the regional ecosystem on the global stage. BUT also import some know-how, and accumulate the knowledge the community of entrepreneurs, developers, consultants, creatives and all smart individuals here have gathered so we and all our businesses grow and develop smarter. And not least, to do it in an easily digestible way.
Are we there yet? No. But on the way.
You probably don’t have the time to go and ask everyone how they went through the challenge you are facing right now? Neither constantly check what’s new in your sector nor what new market opportunities are opening up? Maybe you also don’t have the time to look for cool places to hang out with like-minded, nor the time to check some new gadgets, or perhaps something else… That’s our job.
And doing it responsibly, we decided to get to know you and your preferences better, so we tailor the media we label as community–based…well, to what the community really needs.
You know us. We don’t take ourselves too seriously.
Yet, we take you, your business and time, and also your good mood seriously enough. So that’s not just the next survey someone is pushing through Facebook to make their customer interviews in the dumbest way possible.
Before you click that OK button and spend 187 seconds here, keep in mind no one has ever asked you such questions.