Telerik Academy Surveys IT Companies On Their Strategy To Stay Relevant For Talent in The Post-Pandemic Situation

“We should never forget that everything we all do in the IT sector is not in a vacuum. We must be aware of the events that are shaping it, and we must understand where its needs lie. Only through such transparent and publicly available information, the ecosystem can grow and overcome the COVID-19 crisis,” tells us Alexandra Mechkova, the CEO of Telerik Academy. The tech education company has been developing tech talent in Bulgaria for the past decade – first for the needs of tech company Telerik, and then for the whole IT ecosystem. Following its mission to be on the pulse of the local tech sector and being able to adapt its training towards the talent needs of the sector, Telerik Academy is now launching the “Hiring and Upskilling Talent during and post COVID-19“.
The survey aims to outline the current state of the IT companies and to understand what strategies they undertake to stay relevant during and after the crisis in terms of talent. The focus is on the approach toward hiring new talent and upskilling the employees. The data will be aggregated and shared back with the industry to illustrate the latest trends. “We believe this will help companies check their pulses, remain competitive during these turbulent times, and come out stronger,” comments Mechkova. It takes up to 10 minutes and is targeted at founders, C-level managers, and everyone involved in hiring and upskilling team members.
With the report, Telerik Academy’s team aims everyone in the industry to have access to this relevant information, thus shedding light on the best practices and trends. Based on them, the business would be able to refine its strategies for tackling the COVID-19 crisis, adds the CEO.
IT sector is less affected but companies still need to readjust
One trend that Telerik Academy’s team observes and has not changed is the everlasting need for quality junior talent. “People keep investing in their personal development and upskilling. The latter is the only way to stand out in the talent pool, especially now ,” says the CEO of the tech education organization.
As discussed during the BIG RESET conference, the coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for the tech sector to accelerate the transition from outsourcing towards a more innovative and product-oriented IT sector. This transition towards an ecosystem that brings higher added value would also require different talent profiles. One concrete step in this direction is the recently launched upskilling program for product managers that Telerik Academy started this spring. The tech education company keeps rolling out new courses to answer identified needs on the market.
“We believe that investing in the right new talent and upskilling existing talent is paramount for the growth and success of every business. And it will remain crucial even in times of crisis and quickly excel after that. This is one of the trends that we expect to see, but the main reason for this initiative is to outline the current situation in the IT sector, the current trends, and best practices,” says Alexandra Mechkova.
+++ participate in the survey +++