
Texterous: Why the big AI-players can never be that specialized

Startup Interviewer: Gib uns dein erstes AI Interview Startup Interviewer: Gib uns dein erstes AI Interview

They are young, talented and enthusiastic about AI: Markus Keiblinger and Alexander de Pauw are two out of six co-founders of the Vienna-based startup “Texterous.“ What began as a fun project quickly evolved into a venture that offers customized AI applications for businesses across various sectors, including healthcare and education.

In this episode, Markus and Alexander will explain exactly what Texterous does, where their AI journey is headed, and why they believe customized and scalable AI solutions are the future.

The Topics:

  • Founding story
  • From SaaS-platform to customized AI solutions
  • Tasks of an AI System Engineer
  • AI Tools developed for Education and Health
  • Openness to technology: Netherlands vs. Austria
  • Texterous: vision, mission & USP + current trends in Europe
  • Data protection
  • Client base
  • Focusing on specific industries
  • AI solutions: customized vs. universal
  • AI consulting & workshops


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