Trending Topics is now arranging jobs for Ukrainian talents free of charge

It is the fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II: Russia’s war against Ukraine has left millions homeless, and many of them are seeking shelter in neighboring countries. Shaken by the latest events, many Europeans aim to provide the war refugees with accommodation, medical help, psychological care but also with jobs.
The Temporary Protection Directive issued by the European Commission offers Ukrainian refugees a temporary right of residence and social security in the EU countries without a complicated asylum procedure. This also provides direct access to the European labor market. Since there is a large shortage of skilled workers in many EU countries, there is now an opportunity for Ukrainian refugees to quickly adapt to the job market.
Trending Topics Jobs for Ukrainians
With our English language job platform – Trending Topics Jobs, we now want to connect European companies and job seekers from Ukraine. Open positions can be offered free of charge by companies from all sectors and are not limited to the innovation sector.
“Our small team also wondered – how can we provide meaningful support in this crisis situation? We want to use our European job platform for this. A job can create a bit of structure and normality, especially in times of crisis, but it can also give back self-determination and hope. I’m incredibly proud of our team and the project and I’m happy about every connection that we create as a result,” says project manager Sonja Voss from Trending Topics.
In order to support integration and social networking, Talent Garden Vienna and Martin Giesswein, as partners of the initiative, also offer free campus memberships and regular orientation mentoring.
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For job seekers from Ukraine
Job seekers from Ukraine can find and apply for the advertised positions as follows:
- Create an account.
- Click the verification link in the email to activate the account.
- Enter the required information to create an online CV.
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For companies that have open positions
All startups, scale-ups, SMEs, and corporates that want to hire Ukrainian talents can now publish job advertisements on Trending Topics free of charge. It works like this:
- Create a corporate account.
- Click the verification link in the email to activate the account.
- Complete the company / organization information.
- Job posting – choose between template, pdf, or a link.
- Your job will be posted after the check out.
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