Trending Topics Austria launches major report on digital identity

Trending Topics Austria launches a new magazine on the topic of “Digital Identity“. On 68 pages, everything revolves around new forms of digital ID(s), the underlying technological approaches, and the question of what the innovations actually mean for consumers.
The concept of what is “identity” has been discussed and analyzed since ancient times. Who are we and what defines who we are? Identities can be diverse: national, European, related to club or job, to the social environment, or to digital manifestations. I myself determine who I am, but the legitimacy is provided by the state as a higher authority.
In addition to analog also digital
This is missing on the internet. This is one of the reasons why the term “digital identity” has been buzzing through the continent’s media for years – after all, the European Union also took up this topic years ago. In the future, in addition to our analog identity, confirmed by birth certificates and passports, we should all also have our own identity for the digital space.
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In our new report, we have therefore looked at what that means – from the point of view of consumers, from the point of view of the economy and from a philosophical point of view. Experts also explain how secure the technological base of the individual ID solutions is. While ID Austria is already being tested in Kremsmünster, Upper Austria, around six million Austrians have not even installed the mobile phone signature. This imbalance should be addressed in the future. However, there are many aspects that need to be considered. This magazine is intended to illuminate and discuss the most relevant topics.
Digital identity on 68 pages
The report is divided into four categories: Business, Consumers, Technology, and Philosophy. There are interviews with Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck , philosopher Konrad Paul Liessmann , author Lena Pint and the lawyer Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, among others. “The subject is broad and quite complex, we noticed that very quickly in the course of research and planning. It is all the more important that we were able to find experts who can comprehensively shed light on all aspects of digital identity. We want to use it to raise awareness, ”says editor-in-chief Oliver Janko. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners and sponsors CRIF, EY, Erste Bank, OSSBIG, and youniqx.
The report will be sent to subscribers of our sales partner DerStandard this week, is available in selected startup spaces in Vienna, and is subsequently also available as a digital download as a PDF free of charge. We hope you enjoy reading it!