Trending Topics Steps It Up: SEE, TV And The Big Reset

Remember when we said we were about to start print editions on the 1st of April? While we were joking about that, we were quite serious about doing some innovations and new additions to Trending Topics. And so the time has come to share some of them:
We are now Trending Topics SEE
Following our vision to build an inclusive and regional innovation media, we are now transitioning from the very national Trending Topics Bulgaria to Trending Topics Southeast Europe. And we are gradually starting to add new ecosystems in the months to come.
In line with this, we will no longer be .at/bg or .bg, now we are and we’ll put some extra effort to develop regionally relevant SEO so we can give more international visibility to regional innovation.
Trending Topics goes TV
The recent events made us realize we don’t need a fancy studio and expensive equipment to produce video forms (or at least at the beginning), all we need is to get to the right people and talk to them. So we decided we could experiment a bit. You can now find a TV button in the header of Trending Topics SEE and watch all our videos. Alongside directed forms we’ve done earlier, there are also our live interviews over Zoom with important stakeholders from the innovation ecosystem in the region and beyond, which we post twice a week.
We are also open to ideas for guests we should invite, or new forms you think will work well. Just drop us a line here.
More and easier ways to support independent innovation journalism
Our micro but diligent Trending Topics team of crazy enthusiasts has been working hard to deliver relevant and reliable insights into the Southeastern European innovation and startup ecosystems. We truly believe this is an effort that shouldn’t be financed only through advertisers and already invited our audience to support us on our mission to give international visibility to more innovators and entrepreneurs from the region. Huge thanks to our 50 monthly supporters on Patreon. Now we decided to make it all simpler and embedded a form on the website so everyone can support us directly there. There are different options like one time donations in different sizes and also subscriptions. Take a look here:
The Big Reset Is Coming
We truly believe starting something like this is really important for us as a community of innovators and entrepreneurs. “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters – one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity,” John F. Kennedy once said. We would like to explore the second option: could the current crisis be an opportunity for Bulgaria, and if so – of what kind?
Regardless of what we do and how we go through the next several months and the different secondary crises related to COVID-19, one is clear – things we’ve taken for granted will inevitably change. Some for good. And some for better. Some things may come back to the old normal, but there will also be a new normal that includes the new learnings, models and mindsets we are currently adopting. Historically, crises have always boosted innovation in one way or another. This is what we want to put on the agenda now.