TUES FEST 2021: Bulgaria’s leading tech school supports student innovation

TUES, the leading technology high school in Bulgaria, is organizing TUES FEST 2021, an event aimed to present the achievements of its students. The 48-hour fest, set to take place on April 24-25, will see students compete for awards with their projects in the field of software, computer networks, and robotics & integrated microcomputer systems. Trending Topics SEE is media partner of the event and will be part of the jury.
Online vote for the winners
TUES’ students have some pretty serious lineup for the event – they will present over 60 tech projects, including a system to visualize parking spaces in big cities; a system to trace how strictly company employees follow the anti-pandemic measures in place; an autonomous drone delivery system, etc. They will compete for votes on TUES Fest 2021’s website. The best projects will be announced on April 25 in three categories: computer networks, software, and integrated microcomputer systems & robotics. This is when the media partners, the sponsors, and the audience will also name their winners.
From students for students
“TUES Fest 2021 is organized by our students, who are mentored by their teachers,” TUES director Stela Stefanova told Trending Topics SEE. For older students, the event is an opportunity to positions themselves in front of IT companies and find future employers.
IT companies showing growing interest in TUES
Pretty often, former TUES students return to the school as teachers, meeting the fast-developing trends in the IT industry. Companies are showing growing interest in the school, offering more internship and project opportunities than the actual number of students. “Our students are some of the best entrepreneurs in Bulgaria. We encourage entrepreneurship, experimental training and practical training,” Stefanova added.
Good team work is the key
In 2020, TUES 12th-graders Konstantin, Svetlin and Gabriel from the “Tony Stark Did This” team won one of the prizes in the competition with their stick for people with impaired vision which has integrated sensors to improve orientation. A year later, the team is working on an app for blind people. “We will combine the app with the walking stick,” Konstantin told Trending Topics SEE, adding that good team work is the key to their success.

“The idea behind a project is equally important as the efforts to implement it. Good team work is extremely important in such events. We would like to wish all TUES Fest 2021 participants to have fun and feel proud of representing one of Bulgaria’s most elite schools. They are offered a platform to demonstrate their knowledge and ideas,” he said.
TUES Fest creates winners
For three years in a row, TUES students have been winning prizes in the Youth Award category at Bulgaria’s BAIT awards. In 2019, the project of mechanical wheelchair and face recognition solution Shadower by Evgeni Dimov and Aneta Tsvetkova grabbed the prize.
The AI-powered CrimeSpy app, which traces and analyzes footage from security cameras, represented Bulgaria at the international Hackathon4Justice in Washington, US.
The 48-hour TUES Fest 2021 will be broadcasted live on YouTube. The event is supported by А1 Bulgaria, Infragistics, Isobar Commerce, TelebidPro, VMware Bulgaria, GTT Communications, M2M Services, Melon, Ocado Technology, CPD Ltd., Imperia Online JSC, Sutherland Bulgaria and Telelink Business Services. Its partners include Campus X, Bulged, Ora, Smartcom – Bulgaria AD and the Professional Association of Robotics and Automation (PARA). The event’s streaming partner is Streamer.bg. Media partners include: Trending Topics SEE, Capital Careers, Manager, Bloomberg TV, Computerworld, DevStyleR, and Teen Station.