Become Our Patron And Help Us Tell More Exciting Tech & Entrepreneurship Stories From SEE

We are probably crazy enough to think we can build a new generation of media. Independent. One that covers topics other media don’t understand and don’t communicate. We don’t understand and know everything. But we reinvent ourselves every day. We believe we can create a media that covers the new economy and its leaders. In Bulgaria. Independently.
Over the past 18 months, Trending Topics has become a media for everyone who’s had enough of scandals, crashes and death, and looks for inspiration, education, and peers. About and for everyone who believes that entrepreneurship and technology are what will bring us all forward as a society. From its first day, Trending Topics Bulgaria has been trying hard to find and make these stories visible. We do it in English because these stories deserve to reach the world. That’s what we believe and what we’ve been putting several hundred hours a month into.
Have we been useful to you in these past 18 months? Have you learned something from us?
How we do it?
We dig, we meet people, we stay with you in your environment, we know you… if not yet, we want to know you. We learn to speak your language. We try to make you part of the creation of this media. Regardless of whether we’ve ever communicated it this way, and whether you noticed it.
We were lucky enough to have found the support of Trending Topics Austria to back us in this dream of ours. They gave us the platform and supported us financially to start this endeavour. The Vienna Business Agency also gave us a hand to test this out. Ever since we’ve been trying like crazy to find a way to sustain this project financially – selling sponsored content (that we always mark as such, but make sure matches the journalistic standards we’d apply on our editorial content). We’ve had some great clients that trusted this young team, we also had such that drained our energy and never paid, and these who tried to bargain against logos on their websites asking consultancy worth thousands.
We thank all of them. The first group made us realize that there are forward-thinking companies that want to communicate in a meaningful way and are ready to rely on our approaches. They don’t want to push old fashioned annoying PR, and understand the value of storytelling. Indeed, we are careful at choosing these clients. Of course, we did a mistake or two along the way with the second and the third ones. But at least we know now. We don’t want to be dependant on hysterical PRs and communication teams.
What we want is to create the media we are dreaming of, and for the people whose interests we want to serve. You, our readers, a new generation of business leaders. And therefore, we’d like to ask you for some support now.
We might need the ecosystem power now
We are launching a kind of donation campaign through a platform called Patreon. It’s usually used to support independent artists, writers, journalists. We are using it as an alternative to a paywall, that would block out anyone who’s not a subscriber. Instead of asking you money to read our content, we’d like to ask you to support our existence, so this content is available to anyone here. Here’s where you can take a look at the different options to support our team.
We need roughly $5k to sustain monthly. Double if we want to grow, advance our capabilities, learn, expand our team and contribute more, be able to reach more people with the cool stories we encounter. Now, we don’t expect you to cover all our costs, of course. But here’s the deal – the more of you understand what we are calling out for, the less dependent we’d be on marketing and advertising budgets, the more freedom and quality content there will be.
And not least, we truly believe we are doing all this for a generation of people, who understand value and cost, and are ready to pay for the value created for them. We really believe in you.
If it turns out we are mistaken, then… there’s probably no reason to be here at all.